For 10 years, the Lord blessed us through sharing the gospel in hundreds of schools with thousands of students in the Republic of Tuva in Siberia. In 2016, things began to change with the Yaroya law, which placed restrictions on evangelism and house churches. This law directly affected our ministry as God has called us to the frontlines of evangelism. During those years, and as a result of our evangelism, we started new church ministries in Bay-Xaax, Shivilig, and Susch.

We were able to financially support those ministries up until the outbreak of the Russian/ Ukrainian war. Due to sanctions, we were no longer allowed by our government to send funds to Russia. On Russia's side, this greatly affected our communications with the believers there, placing them in danger if there was any contact with us here in the States. We hope and pray that, in time, all this will change.

The Lord continued to open the door for evangelism among the Native Americans; however, with the COVID pandemic, that was put on hold for a couple of years. During that time, all the fairs where we conducted our evangelism were canceled, and there were times when we were not even allowed to enter the reservation. But in 2022, the opportunity to evangelize materialized once again, starting with the Apache Fair in the fall, followed by the July Rodeo in Window Rock and the Western Navajo Fair in October of 2023.

In 2024, we have committed to having an evangelism booth at the Navajo Nation Fair with other evangelistic outreaches pending.

Bended Knee International 2003-2016

At the end of 2013 we complete ten full years of ministry and we “give thanks to the Lord for He is good.” His provision, protection, the open doors, lives changed by His mercy and grace, all give testimony to His faithfulness and desire that the Gospel be proclaimed “to all creation.”

We have proclaimed the Gospel among the Native Americans of the Southwest and in Russia, providing Bibles in their own language, encouraging pastors in teaching and discernment and planting three churches in the Republic of Tuva. With such a small beginning we can certainly say He “is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.”

We give thanks to all of you who have been a part of this endeavor through your encouragement, prayers and support. We look forward to the coming year as we plan to enhance our ministry here at home and continue to evangelize among the Hakasians in Siberia, a new work which began in September of 2013.