Since 2003, our ministry in the Russian Federation has been in Central Siberia, just north of Mongolia, in the Republic of Tuva.  Here, we have traveled to nearly 80 remote villages where we have by the Lords grace had an open door to share the gospel in public schools.  Well over 10,000 students plus teachers have heard the gospel and received a Russian New Testament along with a booklet on salvation.  We also minister to the orphanages and shepherds all across Tuva.

Tuva is a welfare state with high rate of unemployment, drugs, and immorality.  It also has one of the highest crime and murder rates per capita in all of Russia.  The Tuvians have syncronized Buddhism and Shamanism as their official religion.  Although the national average for Evangelical believers across Russia is less than 1%, a new study just this year reported that Tuva now has the highest percentage of believers at 1.8%.  The Lord is Faithful and Good!  Yet, there remain 30 unreached indiginous people groups in Siberia.

In 2013 we moved our evangelistic outreach to the District of Hakasia, North of Tuva.

Since 2016 we have been unable to continue our evangelistic outreach in Russia due to changes in Russian law placing restrictions on evangelism both for foreign missions and among believers and churches in Russia. Also because of the Covid pandemic and Russian-Ukraine war.

Russian Shepherds

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